Purchase Products
1. You Ought To Be Dancin' 45 Mix
2. My Feet Won't Move But My Shoes Did The Boogie 45 Mix
3. You Ought To Be Dancin'
4. If I Knew Then What I Know Now
5. Special Things For You
6. My Feet Won't Move But My Shoes Did The Boogie
7. Bad Dancin' Rita
8. Sweeter Than Honey
9. Warm Nights Soft Lights
10. Always In My Heart
11. Bad, Bad Rita
12. Hey Everybody! (Party Hearty)
Code: 5013929507425
Distribution: IMPORT EUROPE
Status: Catalogo
Production year: 1980
Weight: 100 gr..
Tipo: Cassette Audio
Tipo: Libri Partiture
Tipo: Scatole Portanastri